We occasionally receive requests from IT Administrators interested in deploying ABP for a company, educational group or other organization. Options are available for Chrome and Edge.
Note that the Adblock Plus Premium upgrade is not available for these types of deployments.
If you are using Chrome, install Adblock Plus for Chrome on your users' computers via group policy. See Google's group policy help for more information.
If you are using Edge, install Adblock Plus for Edge on your users' computers via group policy. See Microsoft's group policy help for more information: Configure Microsoft Edge policy settings on Windows.
For more information on configuring Chrome extensions by policy along with instructions for macOS and ChromeOS, please refer to the official Chromium Projects documentation.
Disable the first-run page
ABP's payment page appears every time the extension is installed. You can suppress this behavior to avoid your users having to see a contribution pitch every time they open their browser.
Then disable the first-run page using extension policies or a JSON file.
On Windows instances that are joined to an Active Directory domain, the first-run page can be disabled with the following registry file:
Windows Registry Editor
Version 5.00 [HKLM\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\3rdparty\extensions\cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb\policy] "suppress_first_run_page" = dword:0000001
Windows Registry Editor
Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\3rdparty\extensions\gmgoamodcdcjnbaobigkjelfplakmdhh\policy] "suppress_first_run_page" = dword:0000001
On Chromebooks, ABP's first-run page can be disabled with the following JSON file:
"suppress_first_run_page": {
"Value": true
For more detailed information, please see Google's Chrome for business and education help for Chrome devices.
For more information on configuring Chrome extensions by policy and instructions for OS X/MacOS, please see the Chromium project documentation.
On Linux computers, the first-run page can be disabled with the following JSON file in /etc/opt/chrome/policies/managed/ or /etc/chromium/policies/managed/:
"3rdparty": {
"extensions": {
"cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb": {
"suppress_first_run_page": true
Manage Filter Lists for Users
The same mechanism as above can be used to allow central configuration of additional filter list subscriptions.
You will need to set up the following group policy to subscribe your users to additional filter lists. These examples will subscribe users to the EasyPrivacy filter list in addition to the default filter lists new users are already subscribed to:
"1" = "https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easyprivacy.txt"
"1" = "https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easyprivacy.txt"
Please see Google's Chrome for business and education help for Chrome devices.
For instructions for macOS, please see the Chromium project documentation.
For instructions for Linux, please see the Chromium project documentation.
Manage Custom Filters for Users
You can't use group policy to install Adblock Plus with your organization's custom filters already in place. However, you can create your own filter list on a local host and subscribe your users to it automatically. See this article for our partner extension, AdBlock, to learn how to create your own filter list (that can also be used for Adblock Plus): How to create your own personal filter list.
On Windows instances that are joined to an Active Directory domain, a local custom filter list can be enabled with the following registry file (assuming the URL of the custom filter list is "https://yourcompany.com/yourcustomlist.txt").
"1" = "https://yourcompany.com/yourcustomlist.txt"
"1" = "https://yourcompany.com/yourcustomlist.txt"
You can use a JSON file in the following format:
"additional_subscriptions": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
For instance:
"additional_subscriptions": {
"Value": ["EXAMPLEURL"]
For more information, please see Google's Chrome for business and education help for Chrome devices.
For instructions for macOS, please see the Chromium project documentation.
For instructions for Linux, please see the Chromium project documentation.