How to download and install Adblock Plus

See how you can download and install Adblock Plus, depending on your browser:



There are two ways to install Adblock Plus for Chrome.

From the Adblock Plus website...

  1. Open Chrome and go to
  2. Click Get Adblock Plus for Chrome.
    The Chrome store opens.
  3. Click Add to Chrome.
    A dialogue box opens.
  4. Click Add Extension.

From the Chrome Web Store...

  1. Open Adblock Plus in the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Click Add to Chrome.
    A dialog box opens.
  3. Click Add extension.

Once installed, be sure to pin the icon to your Chrome toolbar: How to hide/show icon.


  1. Open Firefox and go to
  2. Click Get Adblock Plus for Firefox.
    The Firefox add-ons page opens.
  3. Click Add to Firefox.
    A dialog box opens.
  4. Click Add.

Once installed, be sure to pin the icon to your Firefox toolbar: How to hide/show icon.



iOS (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Open Adblock Plus for iOS in the App Store.
  2. Tap Install.

Important: After you install Adblock Plus for iOS, you are prompted to turn on ad blocking. To do this:

    1. On your iOS device tap on Settings.
    2. Tap Safari.
    3. Tap Extensions.
    4. Turn on Adblock Plus.
    5. Exit iOS Settings.


  1. Open Safari and go to
  2. Click Install for Safari.
    The App Store opens.
  3. Click the Download icon.
  4. After the file downloads, click Open.
    The Adblock Plus onboarding window opens.
  5. Click Launch Safari Preferences.
    The Extensions window opens.
  6. Select the check box labeled ABP.
  7. Select the check box labeled ABP Control Panel.
  8. Close the Extensions window.
  9. Click Finish.


  1. Open Edge and go to
  2. Click Get Adblock Plus for Microsoft Edge.
    The Microsoft Store opens.
  3. Click Get.
    A dialog box opens.
  4. Click Add Extension.

Once installed, be sure to pin the icon to your Edge toolbar: How to hide/show icon.


  1. Open Opera and go to
  2. Click Get Adblock Plus for Opera.
    The Opera add-ons page opens.
  3. Click Add to Opera.

Once installed, be sure to pin the icon to your Opera toolbar: How to hide/show icon.

Samsung Internet


First, make sure you've installed the Samsung Internet browser: Install Samsung Internet

Next, install Adblock Plus for Samsung Internet:
  1. Open Adblock Plus for Samsung Internet in the Play Store.
  2. Tap Install.
Important: After you install Adblock Plus for Samsung Internet, you are prompted to turn on Adblock Plus. To do this:
    1. Open the Samsung Internet app.
    2. Tap the menu icon and select Extensions.
    3. Tap Content blockers.
    4. Turn on Adblock Plus for Samsung Internet.
    5. Exit Settings.


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