Check if Adblock Plus is installed

If you can't find Adblock Plus (ABP) and you're unsure if it's installed or not, the information below will help.

On your computer or laptop

First look for the Adblock Plus icon on your browser's toolbar. The icon looks like our logo, white ABP letters inside a red stop sign:


Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 8.24.52 PM.png


If the icon is not on your toolbar, the most definitive way to check is to look for ABP in the list of extensions installed in your browser.

1) To see your extensions page:

  • For Chrome, Edge, and Opera, type about:extensions in the address bar.
  • For Firefox, type about:addons in the address bar.
  • For Safari, go to Safari > Settings... > Extensions.
  • For all other browsers, see this article: How to check your installed extensions.

2) On the extensions page:

  • If ABP is in the list and enabled, but you don't see the ABP icon on the browser toolbar, you'll need to pin it to the toolbar: How to hide/show icon.
  • If ABP isn't in the list of extensions, you'll need to install it: How to install Adblock Plus.
  • If ABP is in the list, but not enabled, select the option to enable it:

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 8.35.40 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 10.54.19 AM.png
Chrome, Edge, Opera Safari



On your mobile device

Mobile browsers don't have a toolbar, so you'll need to look in the list of installed apps or browser extensions. You'll be looking for our icon which looks like our logo:


  • On your iPhone or iPad, look for the ABP icon in your apps.
  • On your Android device, open the Samsung Internet browser, tap the menu icon (three vertical dots), and select Extensions. You should see ABP under "Content blockers".

If ABP isn't installed on your mobile device, you'll need to install it.


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