See how you can uninstall Adblock Plus depending on your browser:
To turn off, rather than uninstall Adblock Plus, follow these steps.
- In Chrome, right-click (Ctrl + click on Mac) on the Adblock Plus icon on your browser toolbar and select Remove from Chrome...
- When prompted, click Remove.
- Go to chrome://extensions/
- Find Adblock Plus in the list and click Remove.
- When prompted, click on Remove again.
- Right-click (Ctrl + click on Mac) on the Adblock Plus icon on your browser's toolbar and select Remove Extension.
- When prompted, click Remove.
- In Firefox, go to about:addons
- Find Adblock Plus in the list and click the three dots.
- Select Remove.
Safari (iOS - iPhone/iPad)
- Touch and hold the Adblock Plus app on the Home screen.
- Tap Remove App.
- Tap Delete App.
- Tap Delete.
Safari (Mac)
- Click the Launchpad icon in the Dock.
- Locate Adblock Plus and click Uninstall.
A dialog box opens. - Position the pointer over the Adblock Plus app icon, press, and hold.
- When all the icons start to jiggle, touch the X on the ABP icon and tap Delete.
To turn off, rather than uninstall Adblock Plus, follow these steps.
- Right-click (Ctrl + click on Mac) on the Adblock Plus icon on your browser's toolbar and select Remove from Microsoft Edge.
- When prompted click Remove.
- In Edge, go to edge://extensions/
- Find Adblock Plus in the list and click Remove.
- When prompted, click Remove.
To turn off, rather than uninstall Adblock Plus, follow these steps.
- In Opera, right-click (Ctrl + click on Mac) on the Adblock Plus icon on your browser's toolbar and select Remove from Opera...
- When prompted, click Remove.
- Go to opera://extensions/
- Find Adblock Plus in the list and click Remove.
- When prompted, click on Remove again.
Samsung Internet (Android)
To turn off, rather than uninstall Adblock Plus, follow these steps.
- Tap and hold the Adblock Plus for Samsung Internet icon.
- When the bubble window appears above the icon, tap Uninstall.
- Tap OK.