Adblock Plus breaks the websites I visit

In rare instances, Adblock Plus may prevent some websites from displaying or functioning correctly. This is typically not a bug but rather a problem with a filter list (or custom filter).

If a website is not working, try these troubleshooting steps to identify the root cause:

Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Opera

Disable Adblock Plus

To confirm if ABP is creating the issue, first try disabling Adblock Plus: Turn ABP on/off manually.

If turning off ABP does not resolve the issue, ABP is not the source of the problem. If turning ABP resolves the issue, turn ABP on again and continue with the steps below.


Update your filter lists

Your filter lists should update automatically, but if a page suddenly isn't working or doesn't look right, it might be caused by a broken filter in a recent list update. Try updating your filter lists. 


Check for problematic filter lists

After updating the filter lists, if the issue persists, a filter list may be the root cause.

To narrow it down, try disabling your filter lists one by one:

  1. Click the ABP toolbar icon.
  2. Click the gear icon.
  3. Click Advanced.
  4. Scroll down to Filter Lists.
  5. Next to the first list, toggle the blue button to OFF.
  6. Refresh the page.
  7. If the problem persists, continue disabling each filter list and refreshing the page. Do this until you find the list (if any) breaking the website.


Check your custom filters

Below your filter lists on the Advanced tab, you'll find your custom filters. In some cases, you may have created a problematic custom filter rule either by manually blocking an element or adding a filter rule.

As you did with the filter lists, try disabling any custom filters containing the name of the website where you seeing the problem and refresh the page. If the issue goes away, turn on each custom filter rule one by one, followed by a page refresh, to determine which is creating the issue.


Report the Issue

If none of these steps help, contact our support team.



Temporarily turn off Adblock Plus

A filter list may be directing Adblock Plus to block something that should be allowed. To verify that the issue lies within the filter list, temporarily turn off Adblock Plus on the website that you are experiencing the issue. If the issue is fixed after temporarily disabling Adblock Plus, you can be certain that the problem is within the filters.

  1. From the Safari toolbar, click the Adblock Plus icon.
  2. Deselect Enabled on this site.

Adblock Plus will reload the page and is now turned off on the current website. Note: It may take a few seconds for the change to appear.

Update your filter lists

Your filter lists should update automatically, but if you are seeing ads or if a page suddenly doesn't look right, it might be caused by a broken filter in a recent list update. Try updating your filter lists.


iOS (iPhone/iPad)

Temporarily turn off Adblock Plus

A filter list may be directing Adblock Plus to block something that should be allowed. To verify that the issue lies within the filter list, temporarily turn off Adblock Plus on the website that you are experiencing the issue. If the issue is fixed after temporarily disabling Adblock Plus, you can be certain that the problem is within the filters.

You can temporarily turn off the ad-blocking functionality by opening the Adblock Plus app on your iOS device and turning off the Block ads option.


Update your filter lists

Your filter lists should update automatically, but if a page suddenly doesn't look right or if you are seeing ads, it might be caused by a broken filter in a recent list update. Try updating your filter lists.


Report the Issue

If none of these steps help, contact our support team.

Samsung Internet

Temporarily turn off Adblock Plus

A filter list may be directing Adblock Plus to block something that should be allowed. To verify that the issue lies within the filter list, temporarily turn off Adblock Plus on the website that you are experiencing the issue. If the issue is fixed after temporarily disabling Adblock Plus, you can be certain that the problem is within the filters.

  1. Open the page you are experiencing the issue on.
  2. Click on the three lines, located on the bottom-right part of your screen
  3. Click on Ad Blockers.
  4. Toggle the button next to Adblock Plus to off.

Adblock Plus is now turned off on the website you are on.


Update filter lists

Your filter lists should update automatically, but if a page suddenly isn't working or doesn't look right, it might be caused by a broken filter in a recent list update. Try updating your filter lists.


Report the Issue

If none of these steps help, contact our support team.


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