Block more distractions with Adblock Plus Premium

Some of our most frequent complaints center around floating videos and site notifications (those little popups in the corner of your screen that are often confused with ads). And we've heard you! With this feature enabled, you'll no longer see floating videos and other annoyances, such as survey requests and newsletter popups. It's just one more step putting you in full control of your online experience!


Enable the block more distractions feature

Haven't yet purchased Premium? Get Adblock Plus Premium.

If you've already paid, make sure you've unlocked your Premium upgrade

  1. Click on the ABP icon on your browser's toolbar. If you don’t see it, be sure to pin it.
  2. Click the gear icon.
  3. On the General tab, select Block more distractions.
  4. Click Ok, got it on the dialogue box that appears.


block distractions.png


The Premium upgrade is available on Adblock Plus for Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Opera browsers. Learn more: All about Adblock Plus Premium.

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