Add a new filter list

Adblock Plus requires filter lists to block ads. A default filter list based on your browser's language settings is automatically activated when you install Adblock Plus. It blocks ads from the most popular (often English language-based) websites. However, it does not block ads on less popular national websites. For example, if you live in Germany you should subscribe to the national German filter list. This filter list is detected as "EasyList Germany + EasyList".

View actively maintained filter lists


As a recommendation, you should avoid adding too many filter lists to Adblock Plus. Adding too many filter lists slows down the ad blocker and, therefore, your browsing.

Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera

  1. From the browser toolbar, click the Adblock Plus icon and then click the gear icon on the pop-up menu. The Adblock Plus Settings tab opens.
  2. Select the Advanced tab and scroll to the Filter Lists section.
  3. Click Add a new filter list via URL.
    The Add a filter list via URL window opens.
  4. Enter the filter list URL in the Filter list URL field.
  5. Click Add a filter list.
    The add is successful if Just now appears next to the list.
  6. Close the tab.

Samsung Internet

  1. Open the Adblock Plus for Samsung Internet app.
  2. Tap More blocking options.
  3. Select the filter list you want to subscribe to.
  4. Tap the back button to refresh.
  5. Close the app.
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