Remove a website from the allowlist

Follow the steps below if you added a website to the Adblock Plus whitelist, but now want to remove it.


  1. From the Chrome toolbar, click the Adblock Plus icon and then click the gear icon in the upper-right corner. The Adblock Plus Settings tab opens.
  2. Select the Allowlisted websites tab.
  3. If a website that you do not want to view ads on is listed, click the Trash icon next to the website.
  4. Close the tab.


  1. From the Firefox toolbar, click the Adblock Plus icon and then click the gear icon in the upper-right corner. The Adblock Plus Settings tab opens.
  2. Select the Allowlisted websites tab.
  3. If a website that you do not want to view ads on is listed, click the Trash icon next to the website.
  4. Close the tab.

iOS Safari

  1. Open the Adblock Plus for iOS app.
  2. Tap the Exceptions option.
  3. Tap Allowlisted Websites.
  4. If a website that you do not want to view ads on is listed below Your Whitelist, tap the website to show more options and then tap Delete
  5. Close the app.


  1. Open the Adblock Plus for Safari on macOS app.
  2. Select the Allowlisted Websites tab from the left menu.
  3. If a website that you do not want to view ads on appears in the box, select the website and click the Trash icon.
  4. Close the app.

Microsoft Edge

  1. From the Edge toolbar, click the Adblock Plus icon and then click the gear icon in the upper-right corner.
    The Adblock Plus Settings tab opens.
  2. Select the Allowlisted websites tab.
  3. If a website that you do not want to view ads on is listed, click the Trash icon next to the website.
  4. Close the tab.


  1. From the Opera toolbar, click the Adblock Plus icon and then click the gear icon in the upper-right corner. The Adblock Plus Settings tab opens.
  2. Select the Allowlisted websites tab.
  3. If a website that you do not want to view ads on is listed, click the Trash icon next to the website.
  4. Close the tab.


  1. From the Yandex Browser toolbar, click the Adblock Plus icon and then click the gear icon in the upper-right corner. The Adblock Plus Settings tab opens.
  2. Select the Allowlisted websites tab.
  3. If a website that you do not want to view ads on is listed, click the Trash icon next to the website.
  4. Close the tab.

Samsung Internet

  1. Open the Adblock Plus for Samsung
  2. Tap Add websites to the allowlist
  3. Swipe the URL you wish to remove to the left
  4. Tap ok to confirm deletion
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