We're constantly working hard to prevent ads from appearing on YouTube. If you're suddenly seeing ads on YouTube use the information below to rule out some of the most common reasons why ads might appear.
Note for mobile devices
YouTube is now using a technology that prevents consistent ad blocking in videos on mobile devices. This only impacts YouTube. The majority of ads should be blocked on most other sites you visit.
If you're seeing ads on YouTube and on other sites, please first try the steps in this article: What to do if you are seeing ads.
If you've checked and you only see ads on YouTube, but not on other sites, continue with the list below for more insight into why they might be appearing and what you can do.
If you’re using the desktop extension you may see a variety of different behaviors such as a temporary black screen or a short ad which may in some cases include a skip button. These are related to our efforts to reduce the length of ads if we aren't able to block them completely.
A good way to check the length of the ad is to pause ABP and see if ads are longer. If they are, then that means ABP is reducing the ad as much as possible.
We've found that signing out of your YouTube account prevents YouTube from circumventing our blocks. Try signing out and see if it helps.
Still seeing ads?
Before rating this article, if none of the steps above help please let us know so we can continue to assist you and improve the effectiveness of this article.