What to do if you are seeing ads

We've found that when ads aren't being blocked properly, these steps usually help:

Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera (desktop extension)

If you are using the Adblock Plus browser extension with Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Opera on a computer, please try the following:

  1. Click the Adblock Plus toolbar icon to display the popover menu. If you don't see the icon, this should help: How to hide/show the icon.
  2. Click the gear symbol.
  3. On the options page that opens, click on the General tab and deselect the checkbox labeled "Show Acceptable Ads." 
  4. Go to the Advanced tab and confirm you are subscribed to ABP Filters and EasyList (or one of the EasyList language variants) and then click the UPDATE ALL FILTER LISTS button.

If you do not have ABP Filters and EasyList installed, or if your filter list is empty, please make sure to add them. Just do the following:

  1. Click the + ADD BUILT-IN FILTER LISTS button
  2. Select EasyList and ABP Filters

After completing the steps above, be sure to reload any pages where you were previously seeing ads to ensure the change takes effect.



Safari (Mac)
  1. Open the ABP Mac app and on the General tab make sure the "Allow acceptable ads" option is not selected.
  2. In Safari, go to Safari > Settings > Websites > Content Blockers and make sure the option "When visiting other websites" is set to ON.
  3. In Safari, go to Safari > Settings > Extensions and make sure the ABP Engine is set to ON.



Safari (iPhone/iPad)

If you are seeing ads on Safari with the Adblock Plus for Safari app installed please check the following:

    1. In the Adblock Plus for Safari app, go to Settings and make sure the "Acceptable Ads" option is toggled OFF.
    2. On your iOS device, go to Settings > Safari > Extensions and make sure Adblock Plus is toggled ON.
    3. On your iOS device, go to Settings > Safari and continue scrolling until you see the Content Blockers option. Make sure that the All Websites option is toggled to ON.


Samsung Internet (Android)

If you are seeing ads on Samsung Internet with the Adblock Plus for Samsung app installed, please check the following:

    1. Make sure your filter lists are up-to-date: Open your ABP for Samsung Internet app, tap on Update ad-filter lists and then tap on Update Now.
    2. In the Adblock Plus app, go to Settings > Allow some nonintrusive advertising and make sure you have selected the option No, I'd like to disable Acceptable Ads.
    3. In the Adblock Plus app, go to Settings > Add websites to the Allowlist and make sure you do not have the website where you are seeing ads on your Allowlisted Websites.
    4. Reload any page where you were seeing ads to ensure the change takes effect.


Still Seeing Ads?

If none of the steps above help, please submit a ticket.

If you contact us, please include a screenshot of any ads you are seeing. If you are using a computer, be sure to include the URL/address bar and the ABP icon on the browser toolbar in your shot. If you are using a mobile device, please open the ABP app and include a screenshot of the main entry screen.

Instructions for how to take a screenshot can be found here: How to capture a screenshot.


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