Why is my Adblock Plus for Safari on macOS different?

Some macOS users may have been wondering why their Adblock Plus for Safari has changed recently.

As of Safari 12 (released 2018), Apple has updated the way system extensions work, rendering some incompatible with current or future versions of macOS.

This means that Adblock Plus for Safari on macOS now works as a Content Blocking Extension, which includes the following functionalities:

  • Ad blocking.
  • Turning on/off Acceptable Ads.
  • Add websites to the whitelist from the Safari toolbar or inside the Adblock Plus app.
  • 7 region-based filters for Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Russia and China.

    The number of region-based filters have been reduced due to limitations within the Content Blocking Extension. The 7 countries chosen are based on where the majority of ABP macOS users are located.

Despite these changes, we continue to support the ad blocking capabilities of our product on macOS. This now works with the Apple content blocker engine, rather than our own ad blocking engine.

Adblock Plus currently works from Safari 12 to the latest version, and macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra) to the latest version.

Adblock Plus for Safari on macOS is maintained separately from Adblock Plus on other browsers. Therefore, users may notice differences in their Adblock Plus versions when using various browsers.

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